Leather women's handbags OEM, clutch handbag handbag customised, handbag small satchels

Leather women's handbags OEM, clutch handbag handbag customised, handbag small satchels,Guangzhou limon Leather Bags factory exporting bags to the Middle East, Europe, America, Japan-Korea.


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   Wide range of products offered by Guangzhou limon Leather Bags factory:

 They can undertake high-quality bag subcontracting for various specifications, with large production volume and fast supply, selling well in major cities across China and exporting to the Middle East, Europe, America, and Japan-Korea.

Limon Leatherbag Co.,Ltd. · 12 Years OEM/ODM Manufacturer Of Leather Bags

8+types of leather bags, there is always one that suits you.

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Limon leatherbag Co.,Ltd. · 6 Company Advantages

Since 2011,We are OEM/ODM Manufacturer Of Leather Bags.
Advantages of Guangzhou Limeng Leather Goods Co., Ltd
  • QualityWe strict quality control at every stage, from raw material to delivery.
  • CustomizeCustomization base on customer requirements,leather bags in various styles.
  • 12 YearsWe have 12 years of OEM/ODM experience in leather men's and women's bag.
  • TeamOur professional team consists of a group of experienced and skilled craftsmen.
  • ProductionHigh Daily Production,Our leatherbag OEM monthly production exceeds 50000.
  • QualificationLimon Leatherbag OEM manufacturer with strong production,complete qualification.

Guangzhou Limon Factory+Leather bags gallery+Leather bags sample

OEM/ODM animal leather women's bags and wallets

Limon leatherbag Co.,Ltd.

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